One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services – Small Business (OASIS SB) is a GSA-managed contract vehicle designed to supply a full range of professional products and services across the core disciplines of:

  • Program Management
  • Management Consulting
  • Scientific Support
  • Engineering
  • Logistics
  • Financial Management

It also provides the flexibility to accommodate all contract types (i.e., fixed-price; cost reimbursement; time and materials; hybrid) and pricing at the task order level.

Abacus Technology’s OASIS SB contract covers the following three pools based on assigned NAICS Codes. Clink on the links below to view the associated contracts:

  • Pool 5A – GS00Q14OADS501 – NAICS Code 541715, Exception B – Research and Development in Aircraft Parts, and Auxiliary Equipment, and Aircraft Engine Parts
  • Pool 5B – GS00Q14OADS601 – NAICS Code 541715, Exception C – Research and Development in Space Vehicles and Guided Missiles, their Propulsion Units, their Propulsion Units Parts, and their Auxiliary Equipment and Parts
  • Pool 6 – GS00Q14OADS701 – NAICS Code 541715, Exception A – Research and Development in Aircraft





Abacus Technology is a Top Secret facility; appraised at CMMI Level 3 for Services; and certified under:

  • ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Systems Management
  • ISO 20000:2011 for IT Service Management
  • ISO 27001:2013 for IT Security Management.

Abacus also has DCAA approved cost accounting and purchasing systems, and a compliant estimating system.


Abacus’ relevant core services cover the planning, implementation, coordination, integration, and evaluation of programmatic activities and administrative systems. Representative examples of our program management capabilities follow:

  • Created Integrated Master Schedules for C3I programs to ensure all life cycle requirements are accounted for and to provide greater situational awareness of cybersecurity and risk management activities at the USAF Division and Directorate levels.
  • Assisted in implementing annual Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process to support Defense agency operating requirements.
  • Prepared/controlled PMO documentation and provided IT portfolio management to support DoD Clinger Cohen compliance.

Abacus’ relevant core services cover advising and assisting organizations with analyzing operational performance and developing corrective action or process improvement plans. Representative examples of our management and consultative capabilities follow:

  • Prepared business case analysis for process reengineering effort in support of agency-wide IT strategic and capital planning.
  • Developed a 5-year IT Roadmap outlining the technologies and investments needed to modernize mission critical communication systems infrastructure in concert with USAF’s Joint Technical Architecture.
  • Designed curriculum and led specialty training program to upgrade technical skill sets and accommodate changing mission priorities associated with program transitions.
  • Employed a robust configuration management approach to asset sustainment through approved equipment rotations and system upgrades based a formally governed Change Control Board.

Abacus’ relevant core services cover operations research, data collection, and program evaluation in support of technology development and innovation. Representative examples of our scientific and professional knowledge management capabilities follow:

  • Enhanced a weather archive application that collects precipitation data from remote sensors to isolate and analyze cloud-to-ground lightning strikes for improved launch mission safety.
  • Reviewed and validated Failure Mode, Effects, and Critical Analysis results to improve the accuracy, integrity, and availability of Global Positioning System signals.
  • Researched and evaluated emerging technologies to support improvement initiatives such as optical transport networks that enable the seamless migration of legacy telemetry data onto common high-bandwidth platforms.

Abacus’ relevant core services cover the full range of engineering analysis, architecture, and systems life cycle support. Representative examples of our engineering applications capabilities follow:

  • Supported RDT&E activities for the engineering, demonstration, deployment, and sustainment of Air Force cyber weapon systems.
  • Provided acquisition engineering support for C4I system interoperability as well as service oriented and modular open system architecture compliance.
  • Conducted formal engineering studies to evaluate cost/schedule/performance trade-offs based on reliability, maintainability, and operational risk factors.
  • Supported aerodynamic engineering and testing of aircraft engines, rockets, and missiles in hyper-velocity wind tunnel facilities.
  • Provided advisory assistance for the planning and design of technology insertion programs such as a communications tower replacement to eliminate line of site obstructions and enhance microwave link connectivity.
  • Performed needs assessments, market research, and equipment surveys to support ground-based and satellite-based navigational aids engineering and safety analysis efforts.

Abacus’ relevant core services cover material handling, packaging, shipping, receiving, and warehousing as well as inventory, distribution, and disposal. Representative examples of our logistics/supply chain management capabilities follow:

  • Supported the design and implementation of the Sustainment and Integration Center at Kirtland AFB – a modernized worldwide logistics operation.
  • Led lifecycle sustainment planning, requirements analysis, and interfacing efforts for a new logistics management system to support C4I equipment maintenance operations.
  • Implemented RFID system to improve overall property management, inventory control, and location/status processing of C4 assets.
  • Developed and maintained an inventory management system that monitored asset obsolescence, tracked failure rates and trends, and anticipated refresh and re-order points.
  • Created and implemented an analysis tool to promote a repeatable process for spares determination on ground systems projects in support of launch operations.
  • Provided logistical support for OCONUS deployments to include full mobilization/demobilization services and household goods shipment/delivery.

Abacus’ relevant core services cover monitoring and control of fiscal budgets and other monetary resources. Representative examples of our financial management capabilities follow:

  • Performed mission planning, estimating, and analysis for cost realism in support of contractor source selection as well as lease/buy and sufficiency reviews on AFLCMC programs.
  • Developed IT budget estimating tool to support investment data analysis and maintain quality control in preparing OMB Exhibit 300 documentation.
  • Implemented an integrated solution for IT investment management to guide and provide transparency throughout the capital planning, budgeting, procurement, and execution process.


Contracting Agency:General Services Administration (GSA)Period of Performance:March 27, 2009 - December 19, 2024
Contract Type:Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), Open to all Federal agencies and departments, world-wideTask Order Types:Fixed-Price (all types), Cost-Reimbursement (all types), Time & Material (T&M) and Labor Hour (LH)
Prime or Subcontract:PrimeCage Code:0FVN8



OASIS Pool 6 – March 2019

Abacus was awarded a task order under the Engineering, Professional, and Administrative Support Services (EPASS) contract to provide Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) in support of the Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence and Networks (C3I&N) Directorate, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC). This directorate also includes the Cryptologic Systems Division, located at Lackland AFB, TX and the Strategic, and Aerial and Nuclear Networks Division located at Hanscom AFB, MA. The scope of work covered enterprise-level system engineering and cyber security management for the acquisition, development, and fielding of programs to deliver affordable and secure communications capabilities to the warfighter.



Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager:
Alice Solomon, Vice President

Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager:
Ms. Jane Cross

Corporate OASIS SB Operations Management:
Mr. William Magro, Sr. Vice President

Corporate OASIS SB Business Development:
Mr. Paul Lambert

For information about the OASIS SB contract, visit: https://www.gsa.gov/acquisition/products-services/professional-services/one-acquisition-solution-for-integrated-services-oasis